Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Marriage -> Increase in weight???

Most of us are in/try to be in perfect shape during our wedding. So why do we gain weight later? I had a bet with my mom that I wouldn't put on weight after my wedding. But I lost. This is what I realized.

- Most of us start cooking and we try to constantly improve the taste and cook better (either to satisfy us or impress our husbands). We like our own food. So we eat more.
- Our capacity to consume food increases when we eat with our partner. Most men eat more than women do and hence we eat more.
- Most women try to adjust their food habits to accommodate that of their partner/new family. So our eating habits change to suit the time, the type of food etc..,
- Some of them get pregnant. Now, you need to eat food for two. So more food again.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The break!!

Have got to fix 3 P2's that are blocking the train! Have to come up with the scope for 2 projects.. Would we be able to do our QA hand off tomorrow? Too many bugs on **** ...need to push to a different train...Aaaahhh... 2 re-rolls again ....I am sooooo sleepy and I don't know whether this is yesterday night or today morning...Well, that's how you feel when you're working at 2 p.m and you have tons of work that will never end, no matter what u do!!!!

That was my life...Very busy!Very challenging!Multiple projects at the same time...leading different teams...working with different locations...There has been times when I've felt really proud of myself...extremely excited each time I delivered my project..But there has been times when all I wanted in life was more sleep..wanted no P1/P2's..when I didn't want my offshore to wake me up...when I wasn't held responsible for something I didn't do...wanted a L-I-F-E!!

My wedding was scheduled on April 30th....From January 2nd, every night I would think, what next? Am I gonna continue working in this stressful environment even after my marriage and meet my husband during loong week ends? Should I relocate to S****** within my company? Should I quit and study? Would we able to manage financially? At a time when any girl is excited about the wedding and busy planning her shopping list - there were all these questions battling in my head... and yes this is apart from my usual project work..

After a lot of thought, and long discussions with my fiancee, I decided to quit my job and study. The wedding was over and 2 days later, I went with W to close my PF and get my work experience certificate. That day, I didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. All I knew was that I am going to start a new life :) I was at the Visa consulate to get my H4 stamped. It was ironic because 3 years back at the same office, I was surprised to see soooo many women, some even in silk sarees, with their huge photo albums, their mangal suthra displaying out, waiting to get their H4's stamped. I was wondering as to how, so many of them are ready to leave their jobs/dreams to join their respective husbands in the US!! Little did I know then, that I would be one of them :) My visa officer, looked at my passport and said " I see that you were on an L1, working for *********. Are you aware that you would be unable to work on this visa? " I said "Yes" and then it was all over...

H4 - Dependent visa!! Hate that very word. Any H1 B worker here (who's married and living with his wife) is dependent on his H4 wife for - food, doing household work, taking care of the baby and what not...Wish the visa had a better name than that! I got back to the US and started researching on schools, entrance exams etc.., and slowly started working on them..I realized it wasn't all that easy to stay home, cook and clean and study for tests....I had no clue whether all this would work out..didn't know if I was doing the right thing by taking this break...And you have to deal with all those folks who ask you "Why did you quit your job??, Why MBA? Do MS, You should have tried relocating to S****** within your company!! " or the usual annoying question " How do you kill time?" They don't know that actually am just as busy as they are. When I get really irritated, I'd just smile and ignore their extremely stupid questions. W was very supportive all the while. Sometimes, I would just wonder - "Have I become that extremely bored female in 'FLAVOURS' who just tries to move the flower bowl from one room to the other, just cos she has nothing else to do!!! No, I have lots to study, applications to work on - "No, that's not me" I would convince myself..Finally, the tests were over, then come the tougher part - writing the application essays for each school. I should thank W and my friends for patiently reviewing my essays and helping me write better. I was hoping I would get into UW and was extremely excited when I got an interview call. It went on pretty well, but I got a reject. I cannot express how sad I felt when I got that e-mail. More admits, few more rejects and then I chose Sauder. From a time, when I would struggle to write a page for the essay, there came a time when I helped a friend of mine to edit/review his essays :)

When I think back - the break wasn't easy,but it definitely helped me - understand my better half really well and more importantly gave me a new direction to my life. To all those folks who are on a break - "I know exactly how you feel. But don't worry, its gonna be over. Just keep trying".